This section lists scientific publications by members of the IOC’s SEGA – One Health network.
- Lovena Preeyadarshini Veerapa-Mangroo, Harena Rasamoelina-Andriamanivo, Iqbal Mohammad Issack, Eric Cardinale, 2024. Epidemiology of Antibiotic Consumption and Resistance in Mauritius. published in Frontiers in Antibiotics, section Antibiotics in Clinical Settings.
- Pinto, J., Dissanayake, R.B., Dhand, N., Rojo-Gimeno, C., Falzon, L.C., Akwar, H., Alambeji, R.B., Beltran-Alcrudo, D., Castellan, D.M., Chanachai, K., Guitian, J., Hilmers, A., Larfaoui, F., Loth, L., Motta, P., Rasamoelina, H., Salyer, S., Shadomy, S., Squarzoni, C., Rwego, I., Santos, C.V., Wongsathapornchai, K., Lockhart, C., Okuthe, S., Kane, Y., Gilbert, J., Soumare, B., Dhingra, M., Sumption, K., Tiensin, T., 2023. Development of core competencies for field veterinary epidemiology training programs. Front.
10. - Lovena Preeyadarshini Veerapa-Mangroo, Harena Rasamoelina-Andriamanivo, Iqbal Mohammad Issack, Eric Cardinale, 2023.
Point prevalence survey on antibiotic use in the hospitals of Mauritius. Front. Antibiot. 09 January 2023 Sec. Antibiotic Resistance.
- Éric, C., Deodass, M., Raja, B., Samoisy, J.-M., Karen, S., Rasamoelina, H., 2021. Management of foot-and-mouth disease in Mauritius and Rodrigues: a vaccine strategy for eradication.*.
Epidémiologie santé Anim.
78, 1-8.Summary : Livestock farming plays a vital role in the economies of Mauritius and Rodrigues, and plays an undeniable social role.
Foot-and-mouth disease broke out in Rodrigues on July 7, 2016 and in Mauritius, the first case was identified on August1, 2016.
Serotype O was identified by serology and RT-PCR.
The control measures decided by the government involved the stamping out of animals present in the outbreaks and preventive vaccination for the remaining livestock.
The crisis led to the introduction of effective animal health surveillance throughout the country, improved animal traceability and tighter border controls.
A cost/benefit analysis confirmed the effectiveness of the measures taken by the government.
- Andrianaivoarimanana, V., Piola, P., Wagner, D.M., Rakotomanana, F., Maheriniaina, V., Andrianalimanana, S., Chanteau, S., Rahalison, L., Ratsitorahina, M., Rajerison, M., 2019. Trends of human plague, Madagascar, 1998-2016..
25, 220-228.
- Andriamanivo, H.R., Randriamananjara, D., Ralalarison, R.A., Nomenjanahary, L.A., Razafindraibe, N.P., Andria-Mananjara, E.D., Rakotomanana, D.O., Fenozara, P.S., Biarmann, M., Halm, A., Razafimandimby, H., Flachet, L., Cardinale, E., 2019.
H ow could an African swine fever outbreak evolve in an enzootic context?
The case of Imerintsiatosika, Madagascar in 2015. PLoS One 14, 1-16.
- Randriamiarana, R., Raminosoa, G., Vonjitsara, N., Randrianasolo, R., Rasamoelina, H., Razafimandimby, H., Rakotonjanabelo, A.L., Lepec, R., Flachet, L., Halm, A., 2018. Evaluation of the reinforced integrated disease surveillance and response strategy using short message service data transmission in two southern regions of Madagascar, 2014-15..
BMC Health Serv.
18, 1-13.
- Rakotoarisoa, A., Randrianasolo, L., Tempia, S., Guillebaud, J., Razanajatovo, N., Randriamampionona, L., Piola, P., Halm, A., Heraud, J.-M., 2017. Evaluation of the influenza sentinel surveillance system in Madagascar, 2009-2014..
World Health Organ.
95, 375-381.
- Cardinale, E., Rasamoelina-Andriamanivo, H., Cetre-Sossah, C., Charafoudine, O., Aboubacar, S.A., Fils, A., Maherisoa, R., Deodass, M., Viripan, G., De Valicourt, L., Filleul, L., Jimmie, M., Jastin, B., Hamza, A.A., Collard, J.M., Flachet, L., 2017. The “One Health” Concept in the Indian Ocean: a Concept in Action! Epidemiol.
Sante Anim.
71, 63-75. Summary: In 2005, a Chikungunya epidemic affected tens of thousands of people in the Indian Ocean region.
This event confirmed that sharing health information among the countries of the Indian Ocean Commission (Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, France/Reunion and Seychelles) was essential.
At the same time, zoonoses such as Rift Valley fever and other animal diseases with a high economic impact, such as peste des petits ruminants, have emerged, jeopardizing food security in the region.
To tackle these threats, a “One Health” approach has been developed, with the implementation of the SEGA – One Health network, responsible for monitoring human and animal infectious diseases, and the One Health Indian Ocean partnership, its alter ego in charge of research.
- Anthony, R., Aurore, R., Kamila, G., Blaise-Boisseau, S., Ève, L., Deodass, M., Karen, S., Rasamoelina, H., Ramjee, R., Jahangeer, A., Éric, C., Corinne, S., Sylvie, L., Stephan, Z., Labib, B.K., 2017. Sanitary crisis in the Indian Ocean: Foot-and-mouth disease virus in Mauritius and Rodrigues in 2016..
Sante Anim.
71, 117-127 Summary: Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a contagious viral animal disease affecting domestic and wild artiodactyls (domestic and wild cattle such as the African buffalo, pigs, sheep, goats, etc.).
This worldwide disease is enzootic in parts of Asia, Africa, the Middle East and South America.
It is less common on islands.
The causative agent is a virus of the Aphtovirus genus, belonging to the Picornaviridae family and known as FMDV (Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus).
It presents significant genetic and antigenic variability, with seven immunologically distinct serotypes (O, A, C, Asia 1, SAT 1 to 3), each subdivided into several subtypes.
Numerous clinical cases were reported in southeast Africa on the islands of Mauritius and Rodrigues in July-August 2016.
At the request of the Mauritian veterinary services, the NRL in Maisons-Alfort set up an emergency diagnostic program to detect and characterize the virus involved in this epizootic.
These results enabled us to identify the incriminating strain and guide the choice of the right vaccine to halt its spread.
This article describes the conditions under which the virus was detected, the results of the analyses and their interpretation, and the repercussions of the epizootic on these two islands.
- Gay, N., Belmonte, O., Collard, J.M., Halifa, M., Issack, M.I., Mindjae, S., Palmyre, P., Ibrahim, A.A., Rasamoelina, H., Flachet, L., Filleul, L., Cardinale, E., 2017. Review of Antibiotic Resistance in the Indian Ocean Commission: A Human and Animal Health Issue. Front.
Public Heal.
- Rakotoarisoa, A., Ramihangihajason, T., Ramarokoto, C., Rahelinirina, S., Halm, A., Piola, P., Ratsitorahina, M., Rajerison, M., 2017.
Bubonic Plague Outbreak Investigation in the Endemic District of Tsiroanomandidy – Madagascar, October 2014..
J. Case Reports Stud.
- Halm, A., Seyler, T., Mohamed, S., Mbaé, S.B.A., Randrianarivo-Solofoniaina, A.E., Ratsitorahina, M., Nundlall, R., Aboobakar, S., Bibi, J., Filleul, L., Piola, P., Razafimandimby, H., Rasamoelina, H., Valenciano, M., Moren, A., Cardinale, E., Lepec, R., Flachet, L., 2017. Four years into the indian ocean field epidemiology training programme. Pan Afr.
J. 26, 1-11.
- Ben Ali Mbaé, S., Mlindassé, M., Mihidjaé, S., Seyler, T., 2016. Food-poisoning outbreak and fatality following ingestion of sea turtle meat in the rural community of Ndrondroni, Mohéli Island, Comoros, December 2012..
Toxicon 120, 38-41.
- Larrieu, S., Cardinale, E., Ocquidant, P., Roger, M., Lepec, R., Delatte, H., Camuset, G., Desprès, P., Brottet, E., Charlin, C., Michault, A., 2013. Case report: A fatal neuroinvasive West Nile virus infection in a traveler returning from Madagascar: Clinical, epidemiological and veterinary investigations. Am.
J. Trop.
89, 211-213.