Functioning and areas of intervention
The SEGA – One Health Network is coordinated by the Indian Ocean Commission’s Centre for Disease Control and Prevention – One Health.
It comprises over 500 health professionals from ministries of health, ministries of animal husbandry, laboratories and partner institutions in IOC member states.
Focus areas
The SEGA – One Health Network is organized into a number of thematic clusters according to the areas of intervention: surveillance and response, training (in particular the FETP program), vector risk, climate change/health, border and traveler surveillance, the laboratory network, non-communicable diseases and operational research.
The SEGA – One Health network is multidisciplinary, bringing together the region’s experts in different specialties to manage health risk holistically.
Regional Technical Committee (CTR)
This is the technical body.
Each year, the CTR brings together more than 70 experts from the region, covering the various thematic clusters.
It is first and foremost a platform for exchanging experience and expertise.
The CTR meeting is also an opportunity to hold technical discussions to guide the strategies and various activities to be proposed to the steering committee for validation.
Steering committee (COPIL)
This is the network’s governing body.
The COPIL’s role is not only to set the course, but also to monitor and validate the network’s strategies and activities.
National Focal Points (NFPs)
Two focal points are appointed in each member state: a human health NFP and an animal health NFP.


France/La Réunion
Animal health: Mr Boris Calland

