The experience of the SEGA – One Health Network has shown that FETP (Field Epidemiology Training Program) training is an important determinant in strengthening surveillance and response systems at national and regional levels. Not only does FETP provide the necessary skills in intervention epidemiology, it also strengthens the network of professionals who speak the same language and share the same experiences.

FETP training courses

The training offer comprises two programs: FETP-frontline and FETP Master.

FETP – Frontline

Short-term FETP training (13 weeks), constituting a module for the Master’s degree in Field Epidemiology.


  • Provide Member States with sufficient numbers of qualified human resources capable of carrying out the various tasks associated with epidemiological surveillance and epidemic response.
    And this, in order to develop a culture of decision-making based on complete, factual information.
  • Develop the “One Health” concept for more effective action.

This course is designed for human and animal health agents.
More generally, it is intended for professionals involved in the surveillance, investigation and response to syndromes in human and/or animal diseases, particularly at the level of operational structures (peripheral implementation structures or at central level).

Training organization

The course lasts 13 weeks and corresponds to 28 ECTS credits.
The course combines theory and practice:

  • 140 hours of teaching (divided into 4 workshops of 20 days, i.e. 4 weeks)
  • 347 hours of tutored work in the field (9 weeks)


Teaching in the form of courses will occupy a reduced hourly volume.
Around 25% of the program will be dedicated to didactic training at the universities and 75% to practical experience in the field.


  • Strengthening emergency response capacities in terms of public health
  • Train public health leaders, especially at different levels of the health system,
  • Strengthening laboratory involvement in epidemiological surveillance
  • Improve communication and networking between public health practitioners
  • Facilitate the implementation of operational research activities in public health
  • Strengthen collaboration with other epidemiology training structures.

Training organization

The entire training program will take place over 4 academic semesters, i.e. two years. The learning objectives will be achieved through three components:
  • lessons from theoretical courses,
  • skills acquired in a department or in the field, in a real working environment, and
  • skills acquired through the preparation and conduct of research, with the defense of an end-of-training dissertation before a mixed jury.

Organization of FETP COI

A pedagogical committee has been set up to ensure the coordination and strategic and technical direction of the training program.
This pedagogical committee is made up of :

  • National Focal Points (Technical) for human and animal health.

  • Centre for Disease Control and Prevention – One Health of the Indian Ocean

  • Representatives of member states’ educational institutions (MIH, INSPC, UniSeY, UDC)

in collaboration with the Université de la Réunion, CIRAD, Institut Pasteur de Madagascar and resource persons from WHO offices.
The training institutions are as follows:

  • Mauritius Institute of Heath (MIH) in Mauritius
  • National Institute of Public and Community Health (INSPC) of Madagascar
  • University of Comoros School of Medicine and Public Health (EMSP)