Since the start of the 3rd phase (RSIE3), the SEGA – One Health Network has organized interventions relating to climate change and its impact on health; with regard to the vulnerability of the Indian Ocean islands to climate change. A short-term expert mission took place from January 21 to February 05, 2020. Objectives?

  • take stock of the issue and current initiatives in the Indian Ocean region
  • identify potential future interventions in this area.


Analysis of new health risks

related to climate change
  • Direct effects: mortality and morbidity due to extreme events, mortality and morbidity due to infectious diseases
  • Indirect effects: water availability, food and nutritional insecurity, rising sea levels….

A global approach to public health

integrating human, animal and environmental health

Integrated monitoring of climate-sensitive diseases and syndromes, and an early warning system

Adaptation and resilience

Promoting adaptation and resilience to the effects of climate change on human and animal health


  • Regional workshops to set up integrated surveillance of climate-sensitive syndromes and diseases and monitoring of the impacts of climate change on health

  • For IOC Member States, document review on:

    • Socio-demographic profiles;
    • Health and epidemiological profiles;
    • Contemporary history;
    • National plans to combat climate change;
    • National plans for fighting/coordinating against catastrophic events;
    • Research/measurement of the impact of climate change on the region in terms of climate, meteorology, health, migration and economics (in particular with the World Bank, UNDP, WHO, IMF, GFDRR, CADRI, Notre-Dame University);
    • Food dependency of IOC countries.